Strat Draft

Administrator's rights required

Figure 1

Figure 1 shows the Import League Roster screen which you can use to either import your league's complete roster or minimally import only the players that will be available to your league for this draft.  To use the import facility, you must get the Export Std. Players report, update it with your information, then import that updated file.

Figure 2

TIP:  Using this import facility is not required. Check out standard player status (figure 2) and choose whichever looks easiest for you.

click the area of which you require more information

Figure 3

now you can import auction information!


Both the export and import files are represented in standard comma separated data files i.e., .csv files. The best way to create a .csv file is to allow the spreadsheet to save it in a comma separated file.

Figure 3 shows a spreadsheet representation of the export file available from the system. The import file format must be identical to the export file that you receive from this system. Columns A through F show the information that will be exported for any league. Columns H through P shows optional information and may be exported depending on your league settings.  Each player in the export file need not be in the import file, but each player in the import file must be sorted by PlayerID and match the export file in columns mlbTm and player.

Information Specific to Auctions: Players that will be placed in an auction must be designated as x-fa in the origOwner column. They also can not have an x in the available column

PlayerID: The ID the draft system uses to identify this card.  Sort ascending on this field to import.

mlbTm: This is the major-league team that the player was a member of as represented on the ratings disk.  May not be changed.

finalOwner: This is the team the system has assigned the player to.  He may be assigned to the team due to the draft or because he was assigned to that team originally and was not placed in the draft.  To assign a player to a team, use the originalOwner column.  Players assigned a team in originalOwner with "inLeague" checked while "available and "fa" are not checked, will show the originalOwner as the finalOwner in the export file.

player: The players named as represented on the ratings disk.  May not be changed.

h/p:   Indicates hitter or pitcher as represented on the ratings disk.  May not be changed.

ab/ip: Indicates if this player is a hitter or pitcher as represented on the ratings disk.  May not be changed.

fielding/endurance: As represented on the ratings disk.  May not be changed.

inLeague: An 'x' must be placed here to indicate this player is in the league, either in the draft or assigned to a team without being in the draft.

originalOwner:  The same meaning as 'origOwner' in the Strat-O-Matic Standard Player Status page.  If this player is already owned by a team in the league, the column "In League" must have an 'x' in it. The originalOwner column is the current owner and must be represented as an abbreviation as specified in the owners page.  Players in auctions should be marked as x-fa,

available: The same meaning as 'In Draft' in the Strat-O-Matic Standard Player Status page.  An 'x' indicates that this player will be available in the draft.  No entry in this column indicates that the player will not be available.  If the player is already owned by another team and is not offered in the draft as a free agent, leave this column blank.  If however the player is already owned by another team and will be offered in the draft as a free agent, place an 'x' in this column.  Do not place an x in this column for players in an auction.

fa:  The same meaning as 'FA' in the Strat-O-Matic Standard Player Status page.  An 'x' indicates that this player is a free agent.  No entry in this column indicates that the player is not a free agent.  No other entry will be accepted.

pullbackPriority:  When the fa column has been checked with an 'x' and pullbacks are allowed on free agents, this column is a number indicating the pullback priority as specified in the Strat-O-Matic Standard Player Status page.

GroupA:  The same meaning as 'group A' in the Strat-O-Matic Standard Player Status page.  An 'x' or no entry are the only valid entries in this column. Indicates if this player is a member of group A.

GroupB:  The same meaning as 'group B' in the Strat-O-Matic Standard Player Status page.  An 'x' or no entry are the only valid entries in this column. Indicates if this player is a member of group B.

GroupC:  The same meaning as 'group C' in the Strat-O-Matic Standard Player Status page.  An 'x' or no entry are the only valid entries in this column. Indicates if this player is a member of group C.

salary:  The same meaning as 'salary' in the Strat-O-Matic Standard Player Status page.  A number indicating the salary of this player in leagues that allow a salary option.

auctionFutureStartDate:  The start time is Central Time when imported with this feature.  The same meaning as 'Start Date' in the Assign Player to Auction page.  The date and time an auction for this player will begin. This entry must be a future date and time rather than a date and time in the past. The player must have an x in the inLeague column, x-fa in the OrigOwner column and blank in the columns available, fa and pullback. The original export of standard players may have either "In Progress" or "Completed" in this column which is a valid value to be imported. Auctions imported containing "In Progress" will be paused for up to 10 seconds as that auction date/time is modified to reflect the value imported. Auctions containing "Completed" may not be altered here but must be canceled through 'Auction Cancel if a change is needed.

auctionEndDate:  The end time is Central Time when imported with this feature.  The same meaning as 'End Date' in the Assign Player to Auction page.  The date and time an auction for this player will end.

auctionMinYears:  The same meaning as 'Enter Minimum' in the Assign Player to Auction page.  This field may be blank or zero or a number less than or equal to the 'Maximum Contract Length' as defined for your league in League Options. This will indicate the minimum number of contractual years this player will accept. Only one of auctionMinYears, auctionMinDollars and auctionMinPerceivedValue may contain a value greater than zero.

auctionMinDollars:  The same meaning as 'Enter Minimum' in the Assign Player to Auction page.  This field may be blank or zero or the minimum dollars per year this player will accept. Only one of auctionMinYears, auctionMinDollars and auctionMinPerceivedValue may contain a value greater than zero.

auctionMinPerceivedValue:  The same meaning as 'Enter Minimum' in the Assign Player to Auction page.  This field may be blank or zero or the minimum this player will accept for perceived value as defined by '# years preference'. Only one of auctionMinYears, auctionMinDollars and auctionMinPerceivedValue may contain a value greater than zero.