Strat Draft

League Files

The help for uploading league files can be viewed here.

Displays all the uploaded files for your league.  Clicking on the name of the file will download that file to you.  A special sorting algorithm allows you sort with three sort keys.  For example clicking on Visiting Team and then Uploaded By might result in something similar to this...

Bill Game Results Kansas City Arizona
Bill Game Results Kansas City Baltimore
Bill Game Results Kansas City California
Bill Game Results   Montana
Bill Game Results Arizona Nevada
Bill Game Results Kansas City Saratoga
Bill Game Results Kansas City Zulu
George Game Results Baltimore Arizona
George Game Results Baltimore California
George Game Results   Nevada
George Game Results Baltimore Seattle

The coloring above is merely a visual aid for this example and would not appear in actuality.

Space Available Indicator: This indicator shows both graphically and with text how much space remains for additional files to be uploaded into your league's file space.
Delete: This checkbox only appears for the files you uploaded, or if you are an admin all files have this checkbox available.
File Name: Clicking on this file name will download that file to your computer.
Ext: The extension of the file uploaded automatically appears here such as ".lzp" or ".sub" or ".zip".
Time Uploaded: The time the file was uploaded automatically appears here.
Uploaded By: The name of the person uploading the file automatically appears here.
Purpose: As many files may be compressed or zipped before uploading, this field can record the type of files.  Even if the files are not compressed this remains a good way to aid others sorting through the uploaded files.  For example subsets or game result files can be labled as such as opposed to league backups, lzp files or other types.
Home Team: This field defaults to the name of the team of the person uploading the file, but can be changed to blank or any other team within the league, thus allowing a 3rd party to upload files for you.  It is great for subsets and/or result files and/or box scores.
Visiting Team: This field defaults to blank or any team within the league.  It is great for subsets and/or result files and/or box scores.
KB: The size of the file automatically appears here.
Description: This could further aid league members when determining which file to download.